Ready to Publish to Kindle?

Download Your Free Kindle Formatting Guide and Template

If you're ready to publish to Kindle, get this now:

  • A simple .doc template that makes it easy to use the correct formatting, add a table of contents and include all the important sections for your book.
  • 10-page formatting guide to walk you through the process of getting your book ready for Kindle

>>But before you go, here is some important information for you...

Read on to discover the Three Critical Mistakes that most writers are making and a special opportunity that's available to you today as a new subscriber to WriterHelpWanted...

“Discover the Three Critical Mistakes Preventing You From Earning A Full Time Income With Your Writing And The Simple Secret for Fixing Them”
Read on to learn how to earn up to $1,500 per week or more for simple writing jobs, blogging, selling ebooks and more...

Dear Fellow Writer,

If you’re ready to earn a full time income from your writing like thousands of others, the next 5-7 minutes will be a critical turning point for you. We’ll show you how to avoid the mistakes many writers make and steer clear of scams, content mills, and other hidden pitfalls of writing online.

While many industries are still struggling from recessionary times, the one job industry experiencing EXPLOSIVE growth is online writing jobs. Companies NEED your help creating content to attract visitors to their websites, blog, and social media pages.

Every day, there are hundreds of quality companies and small businesses looking to hire writers for salaried jobs, freelance gigs and easy writing services. There are more opportunities than they can fill and we'll show you how and where to find them.

But more than that, if you want to take this even further, we'll teach you to leverage your writing skills to start your own business - whether you want to blog, sell ebooks, print books or information products. You’ll know exactly how to use your existing talents (or how to outsource the work to others), to create ongoing passive income from home...

My name is Ron Douglas. I’m a New York Times Best Selling Author who’s sold over one million books and ebooks and been featured on Fox News, Good Morning America, and in People Magazine.

My partner is Alice Seba, a work at home mom who happens to be one of the foremost content marketing experts online with over 20,000 satisfied customers who buy her content over and over again.

Together we’ve helped students all over the world learn how to earn a living from their writing.

And through our interaction with them, we discovered three critical mistakes that separated the successful writers from the frustrated, broke, and unemployed...

Alice Seba and Ron Douglas - Founders,

Not knowing where to find high paying writing opportunities

While there are dozens of popular job sites, often the most lucrative opportunities present themselves through referrals, on lesser known sites, and in private networking groups online. By the time the general public hears of new writing opportunities, it’s typically too late in the process.

In the WriterHelpWanted member’s area, we have frequently updated listings and featured job postings which will keep you in the know when new writing jobs arise.

In addition to that, we provide you with the insider information and video tutorials showing you how to win these jobs and the following checklists to make the process much easier for you:

WriterHelpWanted Success Checklists

  • Finding Your Writing Market Checklists - Module 1 of our program provides you with 34 market ideas and plenty of ways to enter them. Use this brainstorming sheet to help discover the right one for you.
  • Working with Clients Checklists - Use these pricing and invoicing checklists and brainstorming sheets to find the right approach for your clients.
  • Content Creation Checklists - Whether you're creating content for yourself or your clients, these checklists will come in handy for self-editing, finding a writing style and coming up with persuasive headlines, phrases and more.
  • Marketing Checklists - Whether you're growing your list or marketing your products, this section has some handy checklists for you.

Simply thinking that writing is enough

We know you love writing. We do too, but it's simply not enough. The good news is that that once you know how to market yourself, it's easy to get ahead.

Here's the thing...

Most aspiring writers focus on writing over marketing and developing business skills. While mastering your craft of writing is important, it’s all in vain unless you learn how to properly market your skills. There are a countless number of highly skilled writers who are struggling to earn money because they lack this one skill. On the flip side, there are below average writers out there earning steady income because they've learned many of the techniques we teach in the WriterHelpWanted program.

Don't let the below average writer outplay you. You've already got talent and we can help you gain the skills to get that talent seen.

As a member of WriterHelpWanted, you will receive our 5-Part Training Modules which will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know to earn a living from your writing.

WriterHelpWanted Training Modules

Module 1: Writing Markets – Start here to discover a variety of writing markets and different ways to earn from them. Whether you’re new to your writing business or have been around for a while, this module has plenty of ideas for everyone.

Module 2: Get Paid Now – If you’re new to writing for pay and need to start earning cash right away, this is the module for you. We’ll show you how to find plenty of jobs and how to qualify for them.

Module 3: Get Long Term Work – Establish yourself as a full-fledged writing service and have clients come to you, by finding your specialty and positioning yourself the go-to writer in your niche.

WriterHelpWanted Training Modules

Module 4: Create Passive Income – There’s no need to get paid only when you write for clients. We have plenty of ideas and strategies for you to earn from your writing over and over again. Plus we'll show you how to inexpensively outsource the writing work to others to earn more while working less.

Module 5: Improve Your Skills – This is another important module for everyone, this one will show you how to develop your persuasive writing skills and establish your authority in your niche.

As you can see, it doesn't matter where are you are now, you have the information you need to start earning from your writing and learn the skills you need to grow your income opportunities to where you want them to be.

CRITICAL MISTAKE #3: Failing to learn from and model successful writers who’ve already accomplished your goals.

Success is often all around us, but most people attempt to figure out everything on their own instead of learning from mentors who’ve already accomplished what they want to do. Or sometimes, even worse, we try to learn from people we perceive as successful, but aren't where we want to be.

Remember when we told you that most writers make the mistake of focusing on writing over marketing? Well, if you're learning from those writers, you're simply perpetuating a vicious cycle that you need to get yourself out of. It's important to learn from writers who not only have writing talent, but ones know how to market themselves to be profitable.

If you want to take a quicker route to success, don’t do things the hard way. Learn from other mistakes and breakthroughs of truly successful writers and apply that information on your journey.

As part of the WriterHelpWanted training program, we've twisted the arm of 8 of our most successful members and colleagues to reveal to you their success secrets. Cut your learning curve dramatically and get the best tips from these 8 professional writers...

WriterHelpWanted Program Case Studies

Annette Elton, Long-Time Ghostwriter

Annette owns a successful ghostwriting business that specializes in web content for online business owners. Find out how she is consistently able to find writing gigs, including over 25 ghostwritten book clients, and the one writing skill that pays you 10 times more than writing books or articles

Brian G. Johnson, Kindle Publishing Expert

Want to know the secret for publishing on and using their marketplace to get thousands of sales of your book or short report for free? In this 3-part training, Brian reveals a specific system he is using to crank out best selling Kindle books and earn passive income from

Derek P. Writer, World-Traveling Freelancer

How would you like to travel the world while earning enough money from your writing to pay for exotic trips to Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean? Derek reveals how he’s able to live the dream lifestyle supported by his writing income. Discover his secret for getting ongoing work and charging premium prices.

Fred Stroppel, Professional Screen Writer and Playwright

Fred is a highly demanded and successful screen writer, playwright and children’s television show writer. He shares the tricks of the trade and what it took to become the head writer of Nickelodeon hit shows Oswald and Wow Wow Wubbzy!, off Broadway shows like Fortune’s Fools, and the popular plays “A Brooklyn State of Mind” and “Dark Side of Genius”. Discover how to turn your writing into a long and prestigious career.

Garnet Miller, Freelance Writer

What does a good mom do when she needs to make extra money to pay for her two kid’s college tuition? Well, Garnet Miller began earning a second income writing about subjects that interest her like healthy eating, family, fitness, religion, writing, current events and online business. In this training video, she reveals how she got started and how anyone can earn a consistent income from writing.

Lynn Terry, Super Affiliate and Blogger

How would you like to earn a full time income just writing about topics you’re personally into such as dining out, travel, or child care? Welcome to the world of super affiliate blogger and social media expert, Lynn Terry. Lynn shows you some simple ways to build a huge audience and earn commissions from companies for casually referring their products.

Ron Douglas, NY Times Best Selling Author

How would you like to write up a simple email, press send, and wake up with thousands in your bank account? Ron Douglas is an email list building expert who used his writing skills to build a massive following and sell over 1.4 million books and ebooks. Ron has been featured on Good Morning America, NBC News, Home Shopping Network, Fox & Friends and many other TV shows. In this training, he reveals the secrets to his success and how aspiring writers can reach NY Times Best Seller status like he did.

Who's Next to Live the Dream of Writing For A Living?
Here's a small sample of what people are making writing:

When you join WriterHelpWanted today, you'll be able to:

  • Cut your learning curve and eliminate confusion of making money in the writing market.
  • Avoid scams and bad advice. Unfortunately, there are plenty of people that would take advantage of writers looking to earn a living. We'll show you how to steer clear.
  • Save time searching through endless job listings and sites. We'll show you how to find the best jobs and ignore the rest. 
  • Quit worrying about where your next job is coming from. We'll show you to gain a steady stream of work and repeat clients. 
  • Stop dealing with unreasonable client demands and stop being taken advantage of by unscrupulous publishers. You'll learn how to market yourself so that business comes to you.
  • Become an authority in your market so that you can command higher rates. and earn more passive income from the trust you create for yourself with your audience. All it takes is a little marketing savvy and we've got you covered on that. 
  • Learn to charge what you’re worth and create the writing career you want. Avoid the trap of being an underpaid writer that so many face. 
  • Create passive streams of income…write once, get paid forever. Working for clients helps you pay the bills, but we've got even bigger plans for you. 
  • Improve your persuasive writing skills, so not only can you market yourself, but you can create more compelling content that leaves your audience wanting to come back for more. 
  • Tap into decades worth of proven writing experience and expertise. Our team is ready to guide you, so learn from and avoid their mistakes and emulate their success.

Here's What Our Members Are Saying:

The job listings have been a real revelation. I’ve obtained three new clients since starting.

"Writer Help Wanted is just what I needed to push my writing career to a whole new level. I have learned about several avenues of writing for pay that I did not know about such as writing for trade publications. Plus, the job listings have been a real revelation. I’ve obtained three new clients since starting.

I’ve also secretly wanted to embark on a fiction writing career for pretty much my entire life. The information I’ve learned from the video interviews has been priceless in this regard. Due to the motivation I am receiving from the membership I’ve almost finished an entire chapter of my book. That might not seem like much, but I have been working on it since 2009 (not to mention other false starts since the 1980’s).

I absolutely love Writer Help Wanted and love what Ron Douglas and Alice Seba have done. They really care about the members and listen to feedback. They truly want to create a valuable membership for writers that help us do more than just earn a living." - Stephanie Watson Barry

The most comprehensive resource I've ever seen on the subject!

"Thanks Alice, I just spent an hour inside the members area. Kudos to you and Ron. This is an outstanding resource for anyone who wants to write for a living. It contains all the advice and more importantly, the specific links where they can get started making money quickly and easily. In fact, it's the most comprehensive resource I've ever seen on the subject!" - Jim Daniels

Game changer for me!

"I'm always on the lookout for writers with expertise in wellness topics. Thanks to Writer Help Wanted I connected with an ideal candidate and she also has a background with internet marketing. Thanks to Alice, Ron, and team for making this happen. Game changer for me!" - Kate Rieger

It’s my writing shot-in-the-arm

"A short while ago, I joined Alice Seba and Ron Douglas’ new—well, to call it a membership site does it a disservice. is a current, constantly updated writer’s job board, copywriting and a kickass writing community (via closed Facebook Group) with lots more goodies rolled in—including case studies, videos and guides. " - Marya Miller

If you’re serious about wanting to earn money with your writing, this is the perfect investment for you.

"For years I’ve told people that offering a service is the fastest path to cash. Writers Help Wanted shows you exactly how to walk that path and start seeing results very quickly.

It shows you how to make short term, long term, and even passive income with your writing no matter what type of genre you write for. I was really impressed with the case studies from ALL types of writers - playwrights, bloggers, PLR sellers, and more.

What’s even better is that the people who created this course have actually walked the walk. If you want to learn how to create an income with writing, who better to learn from than a NY Times Bestselling Author and someone who has been successfully selling writing for over a decade?

If you’re serious about wanting to earn money with your writing, this is the perfect investment for you." - Rachel Rofe

...Constantly updated resources in flexible formats.

"I've been a member of a few large writers' services over the years, but this is the first one that offered an assortment of constantly updated resources in flexible formats that meet me where I am in my business. Best of all Ron and Alice are actively involved in the private Facebook group leading and responding to current issues and opportunities that busy writers and bloggers care about." Sharon McMillan, City Living Guide." - Sharon McMillan

Priced a project at double... Then I received a phone call asking when can I start!

"After reading an article in your group, I just priced a project at double what I would have and hour ago. My palms were sweaty as I waited to see if they would proceed... Then I received a phone call asking when can I start! No more under pricing... thanks Alice!" - Susan O'Dea

Are you ready to be our next success story?

In your search for writing opportunities, the WriterHelpWanted Program is your well-deserved opportunity to gain an advantage over the competition.

We are professional writers dedicated to helping you succeed. Our team of experts have put together the most comprehensive and complete writer training program on the internet. That along with our featured job listings, will ensure your success.

Here's a Recap of What You'll Find When You Join Us Today:

  • In-Depth Training Modules: Go from earning quick cash through writing jobs to earning passive income from your writing weeks, months and years from now. We'll also show you how to improve your writing skills to create a captive audience that wants to buy from you over and over again.
  • Daily Job Listings: Get access to daily job listings, including our own featured listings. Stay ahead of the curve to snatch up the best jobs possible. We also carefully handpick some of the best jobs out there, so you can have your pick of the cream of the crop.
  • Case Studies of Professional Writers: Learn from writers who are writing for a living. Avoid their mistakes, emulate their successes and put yourself ahead of the curve. 
  • Video Lessons: Learn how to spot the right job opportunities for you and how to apply for best results. You'll save tons of time you'd normally waste applying for sub-par jobs. 
  • Handy Checklists: Make it easy to apply what you learn at Writer Help Wanted with a variety of useful checklists to keep you on track. We have checklists to help you find your niche, work with clients and market yourself effectively. 
  • Must-Have Resources: Whether you need to build your website, sell your product or learn a special skill, we've got you covered. 

If you're ready to propel your writing career...

Join WriterHelpWanted On Sale Today

Special Declare Your Indepence Special...
Just a One-Time Payment of Just $47 $27

That's less than you'll earn from just one small writing job. We'll show you how to get that first gig and more, making the investment in your career as a professional writer well worth it. Just click the orange button below to get started.

More Feedback from Write for a Living Experts:

Best general course I've seen yet on the subject...

"Overall, this is the best general course I've seen yet on the subject of making money as a writer. Especially if you're looking for something to get you started or to take a smallish business up a level or three in relatively short order." - Paul Myers, Talk Biz News

Looking over the job listings for writers... I was completely floored at the sheer number of paid opportunities.

"This is hands-down the best resource I've found in my 18+ years online for finding quality writing jobs. I was looking over the job listings for writers last night, and I was completely floored at the sheer number of paid opportunities." - Lynn Terry, Clicknewz