Earlier this week, we told you that we’re dedicating this month to a “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone Challenge” and it’s all about getting more of our members on video.

Or as it’s known to writers: “Get Out of Your Keyboard Comfort Zone” 😉
It’s easy to get stuck on our keyboards because we’re so eloquent and we know exactly what to say. Trust us..we know exactly how it is.
But when you avoid one of the most powerful audience building and engagement tools, you’re selling yourself short.
Just a few ways writers can use video:
* If you’re a writer for hire, a video allows your potential client see you as a real flesh and blood human and they feel more connected to you.
* If you’re an author, a video talking about and building up anticipation for your upcoming book is an amazing selling tool.
* Trailers aren’t just for movies anymore…book trailers are HUGE. Here’s an informative article on creating a book trailer.
* Engage your audience with a live video discussion. Live video provides the opportunity for instant feedback, so you can deliver the exact content your audience is craving.
* A study from Eyeview shows that using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%. WOW! So get videos on your sales pages, opt-in pages and more.
Now if you’re new to video and find it intimidating, we totally understand. Whether it’s the technology or standing in front of a camera…those are hurdles to be climbed and they’re well worth it. The only thing you really need to make a video is your cell phone or other video camera and your smiling face. And as far as getting comfortable with being on video, just like with everything else, it takes practice.
And remember, to help you along…
Our October Elite Writer’s Lab monthly resource for members is all about public speaking for writers. Our monthly members case study is about live streaming video.
We’ve even got some free training on the topic a bit later this month as well. It will be September 18 and we’ll have more details soon.
You don’t need to be an Elite Writer’s Lab member to participate in the September 18 live video training as it will be available to everyone, but we do encourage you to take the $1 trial and see what we’re all about.
Once you sign up, you’ll receive instant access to this month’s public speaking resource and will be invited to attend our live video case study. Plus, you’ll get the support of group members and can ask questions or get feedback anytime.
Hope to see you there and get recording…we’d love to see what you’re working on.